Our mission is to assist rural African communities to improve their quality of life by forging partnerships to provide clean drinking water, improve primary health care, and enrich education.
Partnering with Schools / Supporting Communities
We assist rural schools with supplies, as well as support communities in training for income generation.…more
Education and Training / Health Resources
We address health issues by education and training, and by providing resources such as medical supplies and facilities. …more
Water Access / Food Security / Income Generation
We provide water access to rural communities for food production,
income generation and to support good health.…more
We are excited to announce that construction has begun on theBaobab Eco-Center! We have started cutting the poles to start the building structure. The rainy season ...
Some student walk over five miles to school each day, and on many occasions after arriving at school, they are told that the school was closed due to no water. This ...
In 2010, we built a maternity clinic at Katombora, Zambia. And now three years later, we handed over another clinic just opposite the maternity clinic. This ...